The benefits of using a StrideOn knee walker are numerous for lower leg injuries in comparison to crutches or wheelchairs. Most people who try crutches soon realise how difficult they are to use and how stressful using them can be on their body, in particular their shoulders, back, underarms and hands. Knee walker rental is an easy way to get your mobility back while your are recovering from your lower leg surgery or injury.
- The StrideOn knee walker has been specifically designed to keep your lower leg non weight bearing.
- The StrideOn knee walker is easy to use, and requires minimal upper body strength to operate.
- The StrideOn knee scooter keeps your lower leg off the ground and in the proper 90 degree angle.
- The Strideon prevents the temptation of taking weight on your injured leg, unlike crutches. This will ultimately aids recovery.
- The StrideOn’s knee walker stability gives you confidence to move around freely with no fear of falling.
- The StrideOn knee scooter speeds recovery time, as your injured leg never touches the ground, unlike crutches where the user will often lack the strength to hold their foot and body up.
- The StrideOn knee walker is lightweight and easily folded to place in a car. This feature allows you to regain your freedom away from home.
- The StrideOn knee walker allows you to use your hands when stopped, to carry out daily activities unlike crutches.
- The StrideOn knee walker comes with a basket enabling you to carry items with you unlike crutches.
- The StrideOn knee walker can be rented which make sense while you are temporarily immobile.
- Knee walker rental is easy it is available now and affordable to rent. Call Renee on 086-142 2936 and we can get you started on your road to recovery.